Raul Calero

Software Developer

I specialize in


About Me

Skilled software engineer with expertise in Next.js, React.js, and Node.js. Proficient in Agile methodologies and full stack development, including Python and database management. Known for strong problem-solving and communication skills, adept at enhancing team productivity and project success in dynamic tech environments.

My Skills


HTML, CSS, Tailwind CSS, JavaScript, TypeScript, React.js, Next.js

Back-End & Databases:

Python, Flask, Node.js, Express, EC2, S3, MySQL, PostgreSQL

Development & Deployment:

Agile, Scrum, RESTful APIs, OAuth, GitHub, Git, Jest, Knex, Linux

Soft Skills:

Problem-Solving, Effective Communication, Teamwork, Adaptability, Critical Thinking, Time Management

My Projects


Claims Trade Marketplace, utilizing Next.js and Node.js, facilitates the trading of property claims. Leveraging EC2, RDS, and S3, it offers a reliable and secure platform for claim exchanges.

See Application

Spark GG

Esports Statistics app that uses React.js and Node.js for esports data analysis, providing real-time insights and interactive visuals for match trends and player performance.

See Repo

Zero AI

Zero AI utilizes sophisticated AI to automate interviews and provide detailed scoring of candidates, employing advanced algorithms for a streamlined, efficient, and consistent recruitment process, enhancing accuracy and productivity.

Project Pending

Raul Calero